Moss & Barnett’s family law practice group offers a unique blend of creativity, common sense, and compassion, backed by decades of experience in the most personal of legal practices.

We represent clients with difficult family law matters in areas including:

  • Marriage dissolutions and legal separations
  • Division of complex assets and executive compensation
  • Paternity proceedings
  • Determining and modifying child support and spousal maintenance orders
  • Parenting time and custody agreements and proceedings
  • Antenuptial, postnuptial, and cohabitation agreements
  • Family law appeals
  • Hague Convention proceedings regarding children
  • Harassment restraining orders and orders for protection
  • Uncontested stepparent adoptions

We are distinctive among full-service law firms for our nationally recognized family law practice. Our lawyers are regularly included in Minnesota Super Lawyers and The Best Lawyers in America, and they are frequent contributors to state and national publications and seminars.

Family law cases often implicate other legal issues related to businesses, trusts and estate, retirement and employment benefits, real property, and tax law. Moss & Barnett family law clients benefit from our access to in-depth resources to address these issues. Our Family Law Team has extensive experience collaborating with attorneys in other practice areas and managing complex financial questions with financial neutrals and experts, including business valuations, nonmarital tracings, and calculating cash flows and spousal maintenance.



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Learn More About Our Family Law Practice

During our decades of practice, we have become known at the local, state, and national levels for developing and interpreting Minnesota family law. Individually and collectively, our lawyers are endorsed by the legal community, which in turn adds to our effectiveness in dispute resolution.

Moss & Barnett’s family law team also has extensive experience working in all areas of alternative dispute resolution (ADR), including early neutral evaluation, mediation, moderated conferences, child-inclusive mediation, arbitration, consensual special master proceedings, and other court or private programs.

The family law attorneys at Moss & Barnett understand that the working notion of “family” is ever changing, and we are committed to improving Minnesota family law to meet the challenges and unique circumstances of individual clients and their families.  

We educate, advise, and advocate for our clients, helping them make clear, rational decisions in the face of sensitive personal issues. Because Moss & Barnett is a full-service law firm, our family law team offers clients unique and cost-effective support from other Moss & Barnett attorneys practicing in business, trusts and estates, tax law, real property, and employee and retirement benefits.

Our clients are facing personal and difficult legal issues, and the results we achieve will shape their futures and ability to move forward. Moss & Barnett works collaboratively and involves clients at every stage in the process. The overriding goal is to create an acceptable solution that helps clients maintain control of their lives and avoid unnecessary litigation.  

We appear on behalf of clients in mediation, early neutral evaluation, arbitration, and moderated settlement conferences. We also have extensive courtroom and trial experience and are fully prepared to litigate zealously for our clients if agreements cannot be reached, whenever it is in the client’s best interest.

The legal process can exact a financial and emotional toll on clients in family law matters. Our “common-sense” commitment to resolving our clients’ disputes seeks to minimize the inherent difficulties experienced in family law matters. Our lawyers are highly skilled at various alternative dispute resolution methods, including mediation, early neutral evaluation, arbitration, and moderated settlement conferences.

Ultimately, we seek to guide clients through difficult personal matters for themselves, their family members, their business or professional relationships, and all others affected by the matter.
